I wish I were brave enough to try this. I've wanted to for so long.
But I'm too worried that it would turn out badly and then I'd have to wait for-ev-er for it to grow out.
And in the meantime, having decided against it, I can't even make up my mind whether or not to dye my hair dark now. Part of me says I should keep it blonde because I know it looks okay and I've gotten so many compliments on the color. But another part of me says I should go dark because I'm getting boring and need to make a change in my life -- even if no one else notices, at least I'll feel different. And it's just a hair color for pete's sake -- if I don't like it, I can just spend a little more money and go back to pretty much how it was.
I think I deliberate over these things so that I don't have to think about other decisions I should be making in my life.
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