So ever since I opened up a copy of the Pyramid Collection catalogue that was accidentally mailed to my house, I have been wanting the sequined velvet and denim jacket (top). I absolutely love the riding-jacket cut, the stand-up collar, and what the website calls "the slight, peplumlike flare". So what if it's too dressy, and costs $110 (plus shipping). So what if I can't try it on because I'd be ordering it out of a catalogue. I WANT IT!!! But of course, being the practical, well-grounded girl that I am, I was able to resist the temptation for the 3 months or so that it occupied my thoughts. And now today I received an e-mail sale notification from the Pyramid Collection. Of course I had to click on the link to the website, with all intentions of checking the clearance section to see if the jacket had made it there yet. But I didn't make it past the regular jacket section, because lo and behold, the ruffled denim jacket (above) was staring at me from the first page! You know how those songs in old broadway musicals always talk about love at first sight? Well I can now tell you folks, it is real. All of my heart, in that one heartbeat of an instant, now belongs to that jacket, with its ruffled lapels and bold brass buttons, "trimmed in black lace and princess-seamed in back with a nipped peplum, paneled in two shades of blue"... Sigh. And $60 is much closer to my price range than the first one. Yes, it was meant to be. This is why the velvet and denim never came to pass. The ruffled jacket is my one and true fate. Now for that $60 ....
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