So the end of Spring Break 2009 is rapidly approaching ... only about 14 hours until I have to be on campus again ... and here is my progress on the to-do list I made last week:

1. Go to Barnes and Noble and get a new moleskine notebook. Well, sort of. I went to Barnes and Noble and bought a mini paperblanks notebook with a foiled wrap-around cover. It's pretty. I like it.
2. Listen to all the indie music I've made a list to check out. I failed this one. But I did pick up another one of Starbuck's pick-of-the-week cards at Starbucks. The one time I visited Starbucks this week.
3. Go to the movies. Okay, this one was totally not my fault. My neighbor gave me a gift card to Leowe's theater which is about 5 minutes down the parkway, and I really intended to go. But there were no movies playing this week that looked remotely appealing. Now wait and see, as soon as I am so bogged down with homework that I can't possibly go, there will be a great movie released.
4. Try escargot! Damn. Another fail. Not really sure where I could even find escargot around here ....
5. Become brunette. Well, I tried. But it's definitely turned out auburn.
6. Buy new shoes. Score! Just bought an adorable pair of sketchers and some awesome Bongo sandals -- denim gladiator wedges :)
7. Return the Flip camcorder. Killed 2 birds with 1 stone. Took back the Flip to Sears and the digital camcorder to Kohls, both late, but no questions asked. I'm just awesome like that. And I've just repocketed the $200. This is all just a game to me, it would seem.
8. Finish reading Tuesdays with Morrie. Whoops, forgot about that one. But I did start Atlas Shrugged, that's got to count for something?
9. Read all the other books I haven't got to yet. See above.
10. Study French. Done. Doesn't mean I understand it, but there you go. I've been going over my flashcards just now, the disciplined student that I am.
11. Work on my ENG220 essay. Um yes ... about that ...
12. Go on a picnic if it's nice outside. Well, mostly I was working while it was nice outside. But I did walk to the ice cream store the other day.
13. Finish getting together my part of the Ethics presentation. Almost finished.
14. Rent a lighting kit & do some photo shoots. Because on Friday I was still blonde, it was essential that I forget to rent the lighting kit while on campus. Had to stay in character, ya know?
15. Finish the photo collage for my memo board. Lost the initiative to do anything remotely related to interior decorating when I found out we're moving.
16. Apply to some more schools. Negative. I've decided to go to BU.
17. Put in some hours at the ceramic studio. No time for that either. But, I did research ceramics designs online before class on Thursday, and I started carving & bought some carving tools at A.C. Moore afterward.
18. Watch TV during the day. Hell yeah! I watched loads of crap all week. The highlight probably being movies on lifetime network. Or maybe it was A Cinderella Story on the family channel. Tough call.
19. SLEEP IN!!! Surprise of the week. I didn't sleep in past 10:30, not once. Somehow, when it came down to it, it just seemed so wasteful and unappealing. Oh well.
2 Responses
  1. i love this list, you're so entertaining... in a good way :)

  2. Katie Says:

    Why thank you. I'm glad its in a good way haha.

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