Today has been an unexpectedly good day :) It was freezing cold this morning and I dreaded getting out of bed, so I ended up taking too long in the hot shower and left the house way late. And then I ran over a huge pothole on the way to school and thought I was going to have a flat tire because another car did. But I didn't, and amazingly, I actually got to school on time. Nobody came to my Supplemental Instruction session so I curled up in a comfy chair next to the window and watched people walk around campus, which was fun. Then after awhile I went outside and sat in the sun reading one of my textbooks. I almost froze my butt off on the concrete ledge I was sitting on, but it was still nice to be outside for once. I had to go to the computer lab for the English class I tutor for, but the professor wasn't there today so everyone just worked on their papers and it was nice and quiet so I started the revisions for the full-length version of my revenge paper and I actually got a lot done. When I ran out of time I read over the first two pages and wanted to laugh out loud, it was so great. If only the person who inspired this paper knew I was writing it for ENG 220. I really really want to drop off an anonymous copy at his office at the end of the semester. Anyway, speaking of ENG 220, that was my next class of the day and we hardly had to do anything but plan for our group presentations, which meant my group just sat around discussing physician-assisted suicide and got into so many random tangents that the hour flew by before I knew it. Then I had lunch outside with Hannah (and I remembered to bring lunch today so I didn't have to spend a fortune at the food court) and we went for a walk. It was kind of cold outside but the sun was really nice. I dropped off my commercial photography portfolio at the communications department, which felt like a real accomplishment because I had taken so long to get prints made. Then I had French class, where we had to write sentences combining l'imparfait and passe compose (things that were happening and happened in the past) and amazingly enough, I actually figured out the right way to put a reflexive verb in the passe compose, which we hadn't learned yet. So I actually did something right in French class for once. Then when I got out of class I met Hannah, Ashley, and Hannah's other friend Ashley at Starbucks, and got a triple shot espresso latte, practically the only coffee I've had all week, which is why I have enough energy to write all this right now haha. I LOVE COFFEE!!!! Ahem. Excuse me. Back to the point. I listened to Secondhand Serenade on the way home, which I haven't listened to in ages. And then when I got home I discovered a letter from BU saying that I've been chosen as an alternate for a Phi Theta Kappa scholarship, which is amazing to me because I'm not even an active member of Phi Theta Kappa ... I keep getting more and more happy that I decided to transfer to BU this fall. It was a really good decision, I don't know why it used to be my last choice. So ... now I'm feeling very creative and I've just been looking at the bead supplies and ceramics tools I bought at A.C.Moore, I wonder if I have enough time to make something before I leave for work tonight? I wonder if they're going to notice that I'm wearing sneakers? Well they're not really sneakers, they're like fashion sneakers or something, but they're still casual so I don't know. Oh well. I don't care. I think I have a sneaker pass somewhere anyway from getting credit apps last week. .... And I just remembered that I have leftover Baighan Bartha from Moghul indian cuisine last night ... and spell check didn't highlight Baighan Bartha, which is amazing ... so yeah. I'll stop writing now.
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