I've decided my primary goal throughout the summer is to become healthier. I'm going to drink eight glasses of water a day so I'm not dehydrated anymore (and so I stay away from the temptation of bowl after bowl of ice cream). I've also heard increased water intake is good for the complexion, another incentive to stick to this resolution. And speaking of healthy skin, even though I don't really care whether or not I look tan, I'm going to make myself get some sun every day because I know it's good for me.

I'm also going to do Yoga every other day. My muscles are way too inflexible right now -- most of them barely get used, and my leg muscles are so tight that I can't even keep my heels on the floor during the Adho Mukha Svanasana pose. My arms are so weak from not shooting archery anymore, that halfway through the routine they start shaking when I use them for support. I am determined to get more fit and more flexible. Plus, when I get good at Yoga, I can use it as a stress reliever. Which I am probably going to need next semester. I've decided that once I have had sufficient practice following instructional videos, I'm going to reward myself by signing up for a legit class.

And finally, to make sure I get enough exercise over the summer, I'm going to continue walking in the mornings and go jogging every 2nd or 3rd morning. I've never tried to go jogging before this summer, and the one time I tried it didn't go so well. But I'm going to not eat breakfast first next time. And I'm going to start with intervals so it's not as hard. The lower my expectations, the better I'll feel I did. We'll see how long this lasts.
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