Observations I have made today:

- While baking chocolate chip cookies just now, I realized that:
  • I always listen to reggaeton and Latino hip-hop on AOL radio while baking, but I never listen to it otherwise...
  • While making anything with vanilla, I purposely let the tablespoon overflow so there's about twice as much vanilla as the recipe calls for...
  • I can follow the exact same recipe and it never looks the same as when my mom makes it ...
  • and I have absolutely no idea how to tell when stuff is done baking.

Also, a good story. On the way home from our trip to Binghamton, Grace and I were driving near the end of our road, by the farmhouse with all the horses, and there was this guy standing in the field near the road, next to a parked pick-up truck -- rough-looking type with a cowboy hat on, shielding his eyes to look at the horses, and as we drove by he turned to look at us, and we saw with amazement that he was actually wearing a black bandit mask!! It looked like he was plotting to steal the horses. I don't know what was actually going on but it struck me as hilarious and I laughed so hard I thought I was going to die. Just thought that was weird enough that it was probably worth sharing ...

Also. As I am sitting here typing this, a male cardinal is repeatedly flying out of the rhododendron bush to slam into the kitchen window. He's been doing this for 3 days straight. Apparently he thinks his reflection is another male cardinal. So far he's managed to dislodge the window screen from its frame, scratch up the glass window pane, and probably knock himself out a couple of times. Every few minutes he hits the glass so hard with his beak (which, amazingly, is still intact) that he falls, disoriented, to the ground and has to get back up to sit in the bush again and stare at the window reflection. It's so annoying. I think I'm going to go crazy if I have to watch this for another 5 minutes.

And in case anyone cares to know, I just retyped the word "rhododendron" different ways for 4 minutes, waiting for the spell-check highlight to go away, before I finally gave up and looked it up in the dictionary, which took 25 seconds. I am brilliant.
1 Response
  1. ugh i hate spelling rhodod... whatever.

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