So today I almost went out for breakfast for the first time in my life. Unfortunately I didn't wake up until 8 so I went to pick up Alex(andra) at 9:30 (and got lost on the way -- navigating a traffic-less Riverside Drive enough to find Laurel St. is just too much for me). By that time neither of us were hungry so we went to the mall instead. And since it was early, I got an awesome parking spot right near the door. And we were practically the only people in the mall. It was pretty darn amazing.

Unfortunately, I had my credit card handy so the purchases got a little out of hand. I bought a gorgeous pair of peacock-feather earrings at Penney's, and a pair of painted green earrings (kind of an Indian-type design) to go with a floral draped-front top I got at Mandee. Okay, so here's what I hate about shopping at Mandee, despite the fact that I've had some really great finds there. The security devices there are gigantic and they're not only placed on every single store item, they're also put in places that make most inconvenient to check for fit. Like under one sleeve, or right in the middle of the back where your bra fastens, so all you see when you're trying on a shirt is a big round bulge where it should be flat, and the pulls it creates in the fabric so you just can't be sure if it fits well enough. So ... all in all, it remains to be seen whether I keep or return this shirt.

When we had lunch (Ruby Tuesdays) I had an embarassing moment where I was thinking so hard about nothing that when the waitress asked if we were ready to order I automatically answered yes before realizing that I did not, in fact, have any idea what I wanted to order. Now any normal person would have made something up on the spot, but I, being me, as it were, I had to say, "Oh, wait, actually, I still need a minute," and follow it up with a nervous little ha-ha "look everyone I'm laughing at myself" laugh just to complete the picture. Lucky for me, we were practically the only customers so the waitress wasn't pissed. But still. I wasn't exactly embarassed for myself but I had that awful little nagging feeling in the back of my mind, telling me that I should be embarassed for myself, which was almost as bad. The good that came out of this situation was that I actually took the time to examine the menu thoroughly to make up for it, and as a result I ended up ordering Avocado Quesadillas, which I have never had before, and which I have never thought of having before, which means that I killed two birds with one stone in one sitting. Yeah. They were really really good. I actually almost ate all of them, which is pretty much a record for me. I never eat more than half my food in restaurants.

I forgot my coupons for Victoria's Secret, which was pretty sad cause I really really really wanted to get one of those new BioFit 7-way bras, which are slightly amazing. But I guess it's probably better that I saved myself the $50. Or the $100 since I kinda found something else I wanted too. I can't shop in that store. I always end up practically emptying my savings account in one visit. And all I have to show for it is a little pink shopping bag. Oh my life.

So ... instead of going bankrupt, I did the rest of my shopping at American Eagle, where I actually bought my first pair of sweatpants ever. Well, not ever as in ever, more like ever as in like ever. As in, it's been more than 5 years, and maybe more than 8 years, and maybe as much as 10 years, since I've gotten a pair of sweatpants. So I am very proud of myself for that. Though not so much as I am of the fact that I saved 20% by asking if I could apply for an American Eagle credit card. And they gave me the 20% off even though I wasn't approved. Because when have I ever been approved for a credit card? But usually I apply anyway on the off chance that I will be for the first time in my life and I might end up saving a couple dollars. And this time, I didn't even have to be approved to save. This is like a milestone moment in my shopping career.

So anyways. After that we drove to BCC and it was really creepy cause Tichener Hall was pretty much abandoned. It was so silent it was eerie. I hurried as fast as I could and went in the empty communications department and sorted through a box of photography portfolios to try and find mine, but alas, it seems to be missing. Which is really annoying cause I drove all the way there. And there were like $40 worth of prints in it. From Staples, where they were playing the Shins while I waited, which makes them momentos of an important moment in history. On the positive side, I went to the Mechanical Building and cleaned out my locker, which had a mean letter on it from the Security lady saying that if everything wasn't cleaned out by the 20th it would be thrown in the garbage. That made me extremely satisfied to know that I was cleaning it out a day late. Because I've always delighted in anything that makes her job more difficult. Well not always. Just since she started making my life more difficult. Long story. Anyway. There wasn't really anything important in there anyway, just a pile of old papers, a stack of Supplemental Instruction brochures, and a box of French vocabulary flashcards. At least I got to keep the word-lock that I was using. Not that I'll probably ever use it for anything else, but it's still pretty cool.

So after BCC we went to the Cyber Cafe. I looked all over for evidence that they sell iced coffee, since I really really wanted a Peruvian Dark but it was way too hot out to drink it hot. Finally I asked and right when the girl said they did, I realized that right under the two lines I'd been reading over and over again on the drinks menu, were the words "Iced Coffee" and the list of prices. Yep. I'm pretty intelligent sometimes. But the iced coffee was really refreshing, and after that combined with the Harmony Cheesecake, I felt ready to face the world again.

Traffic was really bad and, having to make a left turn, I was prepared to wait for ages pulling out of the parking lot, but luckily some nice old chap decided to let me go ahead of him while he waited for a traffic light anyway. So I went on my merry way, waving at him in happy thanks, when all of a sudden everyone in the car yelled and there was a squeeling of brakes and I discovered with horror that some guy in a white car was speeding down the center turning lane and luckily I gathered my wits about me just in time to slam on the gas and get out of his way. It was a narrow escape. The idiot came within two feet of hitting my car, and then he had the nerve to be angry at me, when in fact he was the reckless driver in the situation at hand. Considerably shaken, we continued on our way. Later, driving down 434 on the way back to Vestal, in the right lane, I came upon a large truck/ moving van type thing, in the left lane, with its signal on as if it were about to switch lanes. It did not, however, switch lanes, despite the fact that I kept my distance from the Verizon store to the travel agency. So, assuming they had accidentally left the signal on, I prepared to pass them since we were going about 30 MPH. However, as soon as I gained on them they began to swerve into my lane. So I hung back again and waited, but they still continued to drive along in the left lane. Finally, fed up, I began to speed past them, and then they really started to swerve into my lane, so much that Amy started yelling in the passenger seat. So I slammed on my brakes and sure enough, they practically ran me over to get in the right lane. It was really weird. We had a good laugh over it though.

So we get home, tired and hungry from a long day of shopping and driving around the Southern Tier. When, tramping up the driveway with our arms full of shopping bags, what to we find? A water fountain blocking out way onto the porch. We were so exhausted that it took us a moment to realize that it was not, in fact, a water fountain, but a hose. Our tired eyes took in the facts of the situation: a) no one was home, b) the hose seemed to have been accidentally left on and then burst open, as was evidenced by a long split in the seam, and c) this seemed to have been going on for awhile, since the nearest window well was overflowing with water, and judging from the distant but steady dripping noise, said water was making its way into the basement.

The first thing I thought to do was bail out the water in the window well. Unfortunately the bird feeder is right above it, so I ended up with bucketfuls of equal parts water and sunflower seed shells (and probably bird crap too, which thankfully I didn't think about at the time). In a hurry, I dumped it right on the new flower bushes my mom had apparently been planting earlier that day, so that the perfectly spread mulch was now full of birdseed.

Sure that that would be the first thing she'd freak out about upon her homecoming, I hurried inside to find that the half of the cellar closest to the window was covered in about an inch of water. Of course, this also happened to be the side of the basement in which all the cardboard boxes were stacked. So not only did I have to spend the next hour mopping up the flood scene, we also had to move all the floor-to-ceiling boxes and empty the bottom ones to survey the damage within the soggy cardboard.

All in all, it was not a fun ending to the day. The only good side of it is that I did not, in fact, get blamed. Which is a definite first.
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