Today I got home to find a booklet from Starbucks in the mail, obviously an offer for gold card members because it has the same black background and gold foil coffee cup on it like my favorite card in my wallet ... so I was really excited to open it and even more excited to find three coupons for a FREE iced brewed coffee, a FREE iced caffe mocha, and a FREE caramel frappuccino. I was so happy I forgot about everything else for awhile and thought about how lucky I am and what a great life I have.

And then I realized later on how crazy it is that it takes free coffees to make me realize this.

What makes the whole situation ironic is that I paid $25 for the gold card in the first place. So it's probably only just starting to pay for itself after these coupons, since I always use the money I save with the card discount to tip the barista. I don't count the free wireless internet because I can get that anywhere on campus. So yeah. Apparently I only have this card because it's pretty and makes me feel special.

And because coupons for free coffee make me feel like I am leading a great, amazing life.

I feel slightly ridiculous all of a sudden.
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