So yesterday afternoon Alex came over and we walked to the corner ice cream store (I think it's called Lickety Split but I'm not entirely sure so I'm not going to call it that for certain). Anyway, on the way there I nearly stepped on a dead baby bird on the sidewalk. It was so sad. It was completely bald with a wrinkled eyelids (at least its eyes were shut -- there is nothing I hate more than seeing dead eyes) and tiny little wings and it was all curled up on its tummy like a baby only it was really really dead looking and its skin was a sickening gray-pink color. I yelped and jumped over it and was really horrified, wondering where it had come from, whether it had just fallen out of its nest or been killed and left there by a cat or something. And then I wondered what would happen to it now, if someone would clean it up or if a cat or dog would eat it or if it would just lie there and rot or if someone else would unsuspectingly step on it like I almost did. But that's beside the point. The point is (wasn't, but it can be) that it may have been a bad omen for what was to come.

When we arrived at the ice cream store, we took forever deciding what to get. Finally we ordered and the girl gave us our ice creams and we went to pay and ... we discovered there is tax on ice cream.

Yes, in other words, we didn't have enough.

And I can tell you, being $0.30 short on ice cream you've already started eating is not a comfortable experience. Especially when the girl just stares at you like you're an idiot. At least she took pity on us and just let us go. Cause I was starting to think I'd have to give her my cell phone as an investment (or whatever that's called) while I ran back home to get the thirty cents.

Regardless, I felt like I was eating stolen ice cream the whole way home. I have resolved to take an extra 30 cents next time I go there.
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